Saturday, January 23, 2010




Wednesday, January 20, 2010


今天的我特别的累, 不是因为工作太累, 因为睡眠不足. 最近的天气是怎么了? 干吗热得像被火烤啊? 晚上根本就无法睡觉嘛. 本来呢我一冲完凉就往床上倒了, 谁知道我总是在半睡半醒, 无法入睡, 到现在都不能睡, 惨...

今天能陪我男朋友的时间又少了, 不懂他在干吗...在上课吗? 今天的我脾气特别暴躁, 我的同事又挨骂了, 真的对不起啦, 我无法控制自己. 原本以为放工过后就可以陪他了, 没料到坐在他身旁的人竟然不是我, 挺失望的. 我只能坐到他的身后, 惦记着他, 总是在想, 到底今天的我到底是怎么了? 好好的怎么就吃醋了?

电脑, 我不会怪你的出现, 但是我却无法改变我对你的敌意, 因为你总是把我最重要的人都要霸占. 我本以为回家后他就会好好的疼我, 关心我, 可以让我对他撒撒娇, 你为什么要出问题? 你为什么要让他担心你? 我不能吃醋, 因为你是电脑, 你是死的, 我是活的, 我们的地位不一样. 他对你是依赖, 他对我是爱. 他总是觉得我爱拿其他事物来比较, 而且全部的事物与人都对他有着不同的意思及感情, 我想我真的不能再酱下去, 不然我一定会疯掉.

Saturday, January 16, 2010






Monday, January 11, 2010


平白无辜就和老爸骂架,心里怪不好受的.俗语说:"天下父母心是一样的" 说的就是每个父母的心都是向着孩子的.但是作为孩子的父母,他们有没有尝试在站孩子的立场想想到底孩子的心是怎么想的,孩子想从父母那里得到什么呢? 我觉得应该有很少的父母能够做到这点吧,起码我的父母做不到.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Whole New Year

2010 New Year, I spent this day at Kampar with my colleagues and friends, but still feel like something is missing. Kampar New town is full of people, waiting for the year 2010 to come. When I saw couples holding each other and wish each other Happy New Year, I feel so lonely.

The next week, I have spent a whole noon with my best friend. She has some relationship problem and I can't do anything but to tell her not to think so much. I feel myself is so much lucky because I got a bf that love me all the time, missing me at somewhere in the world. We live inside each other's heart, never leave each other alone in the world.

The 3rd week of the sem break, I come back kampar again. There will be a lion eyes dotting ceremony for utar wushu club at utar. This week I have to cycle to utar everyday. Although this is quite tired, but it is good for diet. Other than that, I also have to go back work because there is not enough staff for 2 cyber cafes and perhaps I am the only one that they can find here to do the work.  To me, it is the best solution of thinking nonsense. Somehow, I have a sleepness night because I have some misunderstanding with my bf. Guess I have said the wrong thing that has hurt him so deep. No matter what, I can't force him to make a choice between family and lover, although I hope to be more selfish than him. Like he said, the love to family and lover are different. To me, love to their lover is suppose to be unique, everyone would like to be the number one and the only one in each other's heart. How could I jealous? Maybe I will never get a chance to be his number one until the day we get married, or seperate, who knows? What am I thinking now? I also don't know, may be this is what we called feeling unsecure when somebody is not around.

It seems like I catch a cold, my nose is blocked, start coughing, tired all the time. Still need to go kl with my aunt this saturday, don't know I can come back on time for the lion dance. I hate to be alone because I will think nonsense but somehow, I enjoy to be alone because I just do what I wanna do. I think thats the difference of staying at home and outside the home.