First Date In Sem 3

My chubby darling..
so innocent..^^
9 I will remember this date, this day is the only day I saw your cheerful smile for this sem. Since the starting of this sem, you seldom smile because of your study and some relation problem. I have tried to be the most perfect gf in this date and I think I have succeed, right? From your smile, I knew how happy you are at that moment, this is what we call "xing fu" in mandarin. Same as you darling, I will do whatever I can to make you happy, although I won't love you in the way you expected. I believe everyone has his own way to show his love. I use the most simple way to show my love to you, make you smile. You may not know how powerful is your smile, I know. Your smile makes me happy for the whole day. I just wanna let you know, I love you as deep as you love me.
Movie "2012" is the best movie that I ever watched. It talks about how the world ends, how the world starts a new life, the importance of humanity and family support in a crisis. No wonder every show is full and we have to make booking very early but still we get the 2nd most front seats. I sat there for 2 and a half hour until my butt is ache, I can't even walk at first.oh well, as long as it worthy, right? =.=
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