Friday, October 1, 2010

The End of 2nd Sem 2010 - First day Without you

Finally, it has reached the end of the 2nd sem in 2010. I am wondering how is my result for this semester. I know I didn't do well in this semester as I only pay attention to other activities rather than studying. The day has come, whereby the most important person in my life will leave me for around 20 days, I just wondering how am I gonna pass these days without him.

After the final exam, I just focus on working  and take care of my beloved puppy, Sora. She is a normal dog and yet, she is super naughty and a nature destroyer which cause a lot of troubles to me. I can't say anything because she is my beloved puppy after all. I think this is the difference between this sem break and the previous sem break.

There is another question that I won't like to think or face, that is my darling will leave me for 3 weeks because he wants to go back to his home. Here comes the questions. First, what am I suppose to do in these 3 weeks? Go work. come back and clean the dog cage, watch drama for awhile and sleep. Wake up the next morning and go work and repeat the same routine again and again until my darling come back to me. Secondly, am I stupid to think all the nonsense stuff? Just like tonight, my housemate and best friend talk the mysterious stuff to me since they knew I will sleep alone starting from tonight. Oh my am I gonna sleep like this? I scare of loneliness, darkness and all those mysterious stuff. I can't sleep for the first night without you, how about the rest of the nights? I don't know and I don't care, just sleep then...I guess.

The next thing is I will wait for you to come back, either day by day or week by week, just want to let you know I still in a good life. Maybe this sounds silly, and yet, this is me. May our love long last forever. Love you darling.

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