Wednesday, February 20, 2013




日子还是得过的,总不能每天都愁眉苦脸的阿,到时候他也会被我给气到跑掉了。每天早上起身,我都会对着镜子说:“我刚睡醒的样子真恐怖阿。。。又要开始新的一天了,忙忙碌碌的过了这一天,晚上早点回家休息吧。” 从厕所出来,换掉睡衣,就出门了,有很多时候我还是会问问自己:“我到底是为了什么而忙呢?” 可我很喜欢这样的生活,因为我把一天的行程排得满满的,让自己忙着,就不会有空闲的时间去胡思乱想。说到底,这一切都是我涌来逃避现实的借口而已。

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

cloudy night

there are many incidents happened at the beginning of the year. until now, i really cannot digest them all. everything seems to be arranged and it comes accordingly. maybe God wants to test me at the moment. i don't know and i am totally lost. where should i go? what should i do? i keep thinking the same question again and again and yet, i cannot figure it out. what am i doing now is to keep myself busy so that i dont have time to think about it. all i want to do for this year is to graduate at the end of the year, get myself a job and forget the past. i know this takes time and i know what is going on around me, just that i refuse to face the reality. pain will never leave once it is there, i know i should stop the pain but how? keep on thinking nonsense wouldn't help but i really don't know what else can i do.